Kronos AV becomes first company to be named Retail Awards Highly Commended Recognition Winner

Kronos AV becomes first company to be named Retail Awards Highly Commended Recognition Winner

Everyone at Kronos AV is happy to announce that we have been the first company to be named

The 1st Northern Ireland Independent Retail Awards Highly Commended Recognition Winner. 

This was awarded to Kronos AV, after being nominated for the prestigious Northern Ireland Independent Retailer Awards, which was voted for by the public. It is fantastic for us as a company to see this support form customers, and we wish to thank everyone who voted for us. 

This public vote left us as a finalist for the competition, before being put to a judging panel, who later named us as the first ever Northern Ireland Independent Retail Awards Highly Commended Recognition Winner. 

Getting this award is very humbling for us, and again we would like to thank all of our customers who helped make this possible. It is great that the emphasis that we have put on customer service here at Kronos AV is recognised, and we are very proud of our relationship with customers, and we hope that our customers always feel very secure & confident when working with us that we are offering the best possible advice and after-sales service around! 

Thank you again to everyone that voted & I guess its time to pop the bubbly!! 

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