Get David's thoughts on the new Fyne Vintage Range.... (Review)

Get David's thoughts on the new Fyne Vintage Range.... (Review)

I had the pleasure of sitting down with the Fyne Vintage range of speakers which I was very excited to hear. I remember when Tannoy brought out their vintage range, they were stunning and I had high hopes that Fyne would really knock these out of the park with their expertise. 


First of all, lets talk about the looks…

They are naturally vintage styling, so that will be down to individual preference if you like that or if you prefer a modern take. Personally speaking, I love the styling, and it harks back to a time which really was a golden era of HiFi. 

I was pleasantly surprised that some of the younger members of staff here at Kronos AV loved the looks as well, which reassured me I wasn’t simply looking through rose tinted glasses at what was a fantastic era.   

In terms of the build quality, they are very typically excellent as you would expect from Fyne Audio, and you can see the attention to detail which has went into the design one these speakers. The little details can only be appreciated in the flesh, and it really does bring you back to that era. 

Personally, I love them, they are anything but a gimmick. These are seriously well thought out speakers, and every single component has had attention and time spent on it, and that really comes through when you see them in the flesh.

In terms of sound quality, bearing in mind this is a generic overview of the range, here are of the standout points of the range. 

The sound is very natural, reminiscent of the Tannoy vintage range launched years ago, however with a modern twist. There is better drive units, crossover & better cabinet rigidity, so its a modern take on a classic design. 

The speakers are relatively high efficiency so we found them to work really well with low powered amplifier such as valve or class A designs. The speakers however can handle high power, so we found they still performed very well with higher powered amplifiers. 

The isoflare tweeter / midrange units offer exceptional details and clarity without brightness, while delivering pinpoint imaging. The large bass units control the bass with ease, and gives exceptional extension. 

The soundstage is exceptionally large, which really gives impressive 3 dimensional depth.  

Summing up, this is a speaker which looks traditional but the sound is very much modern. The aesthetics will be personal to each customer, you will either love the vintage styling or you won’t. Personally it appeals to me, and if the vintage look isn’t quite your thing, Fine do a range of modern alternatives that deliver very similar sound characteristics so there is a speaker for everyone in the range.

While this is a very quick summary, if anyone would like to chat more in depth about the range, please give me a call. Just call the number on our website, and I would be happy to chat more in-depth about the range, and your current system to see if the Fyne Vintage range is the right speaker for you. 

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